Damn...!! ops... sorry2, ehem Assalamualaikum to those who are muslim.
Nape tetibe Nina ckp "Damn"? It's because of this song!!!
Inori - You Raise Me Up by Lena Park.
Reason 1. Ni lagu citer Romeo x Juliet.
Reason 2. Lagu die bermcm-mcm bhs. (Eng, Jap, Indo) that's all I know.
Reason 3. The story and the song match very well.
Reason 4. Citer Romeo x Juliet to sedih... (ending only) tp nina x phm. How can they in to love each other since they just meet and not meet that often. Dorg just suke sama suke at first then tetibe dorg saling merindui then dorg jumpe pun x slalu mana and dorg tunjuk babak romantik (bkan yg pervert) tu sikit dimana Romeo jumpe Juliet tu tgah menyamar jd laki.
Reason 5. The one I hate the most! SUARA DORG BERCAKAP TERLALU SOFT!! AQ X DGAR APA YG DORG CKAPKAN!! Walhal intro yg dorg tunjuk KUAT yg teramat!
Reason 6. Yg aq ni plak, tetibe taksub dgan lagu and citer dorg ni knpa?
Reason 7. Nina terlebih kesian kat Francisco, Tybalt, and Curio walhal dorg x mati pun. Tu yg Nina pelik.