// Posted by :Nina Cherry
// On :Feb 10, 2010
Gambar HiasanWaaah... Long time no see my blog....!!! I miss you sooooooooo much!!!
I dun knoe what to say.... ehem.... let me say a few word...
First of all, I work at kamdar and i'm sooo frust with the worker there!! so I change to The Mall which my job is so freaking not so tyring and not so hard and so easy. Which is I work as a salesgirl selling a CNY Hampers.... and you know what? The bos is so nice, cute, and young. BUT!! The custemor are freaaaking CEREWET!!! What the heck! It's work!!! Everyone have the same experience. Right? Let me say this to you, nowadays nice people have decrease... please support me to built the nice community in Kuala Lumpur... Help each other... There's a story I want to share, its about a girl who always being hurt by the person around her, now she's been living alone, didn't trust others and family... I don't want the same things happen again to any of you guys... And also the friend of my friend... a couple had an accident, but no one is helping them...!!! They all just watching the couple... I almost want to cry when the girl is dying and the boy's leg is injured and he's carying his girl to ride back on motorcycle to go to the hospital alone... with that condition?!! Seriusly... masyarakat dah semakin sombong! Tak kira kaya atau miskin, tua atau muda... jadi... Nina di sini ingin membangunkan dunia yang lebih elok untuk jenerasi yang akan datang... Seriusly! I'm not joking!
Ni pun Nina busy n penat... nina sempat lagi buat blog nie untuk kengkawan nina gak... biar korang berwaspada apa yang akan menimpa korang nanti... Salam sayang dari nina utk follower nina...