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// Posted by :Nina Cherry
// On :Aug 7, 2010

It's been so long since we haven't meet each other. We could even talk but we can feel the thing that what we want to say, you knew that I like you and I knew that you hate me. I still remember it, the time when you hate me that much. It so painful but what ever it is, I still like you. Do you remember that? I was a burden to you, but when I look at you one more time at this moment. That felling came again just like before, but. We couldn't meet face to face like before. Right now, I have no one inside my heart. The feeling that I have once with you, is not here at the moment. Only you who can make me feel this way. I hope Allah can let us meet again one day. This is the feeling I have when you are not around, it's like a really big hole inside this small red heart. I look fine outside this world (blog) but deep down inside my heart I was crying out loud on gaining your love. I dreamed, of meeting you. That only bitter memory you gave me, It's a really sweet memory to me now. I don't know. Ever since I know you I have this really deep feeling, even it's already this long but only you can make me this hard on others. I still haven't the person who can make the same feeling like you did to me. No one, even that person is a greater and for more nicer than you. Ya Allah, let me meet you once more to clear this situation. How I admire you, though no one like you. But I don't know why, you are the one that able to make my day so colorful. With writing this blog, I am crying inside. Crying isn't the way to gain your love, but praying to Allah is the only way for me to be able to get close to you.